Page 7 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 7
Fishing &
Anyone 16 and older must have a valid license (see
Exemptions) to fish the fresh waters of New Jersey with
handline, rod and line, or longbow and arrow. This includes
privately-owned lakes and other waters.
New Jersey does not require a general saltwater fishing
license for recreational surf casting, deep sea or bay fishing.
However, New Jersey saltwater anglers must register with the
New Jersey Saltwater Recreational Registry Program.
A clamming license is now called a shellfish license and
is required for harvesting of all species of benthic mollusks
(with the exception of conchs) including, but not limited
to, hard and soft clams, surf clams, oysters, bay scallops and
mussels. Licenses are available at shellfish license agent and
Anglers Under 16 - No fishing license is required of per-
sons under 16 years old. NJ Residents Age 70 and Over - A
driver’s license or other acceptable proof of age containing
date of birth and physical description will function as the
actual fishing license for New Jersey residents 70 and over.
No application fee is required, no registration with the Divi-
sion of Fish and Wildlife is required and no license will be
issued. Trout stamps are not required.
Crabbing Important Phone Numbers
Single hand lines and collapsible traps do not require a
license. Crabs taken with a recreational license may not NJ/NY Ferry Service Transportation Info NJ Tourism
be sold or used for barter. The maximum harvest and/or 800-53-FERRY 609-530-2000 800-VISIT NJ
possession limit of crabs is one bushel a day. All organisms
other than crabs and conchs shall be immediately released. Cape May Lewes Ferry AC Expressway NJ Parks & Forestry
All female crabs having eggs or spawn attached shall be im-
mediately released. Crab pots and trot lines may be tended Delaware River Ferry Garden State Parkway NJ Hiking Trails
only from 4am - 9pm prevailing time, in Delaware Bay 215-925-LINK 732-442-8600 800-843-6420
and 24 hours a day in all other waters. All crab pots must Fort Mott State Park NJ Turnpike 609-984-0370
be checked and emptied of all crabs and other organisms at 302-834-7941 732-247-0900 Beach Water Info
least once every 72 hours. 800-648-SAND
Minimum size for harvesting: peeler or shedder crabs - 3 Staten Island Ferry EZ Pass
inches; soft crabs - 3.5 inches and hard crabs - 4.5 inches. Seastreak (NJ to NY) Bike Info
All measurements are from point to point. Please visit state. 800-BOATRIDE 609-530-8051 for more information.
2017 NJCOA Guidebook 7