Page 3 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
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                                         New Jersey Campground Owners Association

                                                            Guidebook 2017

             The Compass                       Spotlights                              NJCOA

                                                                                      Serving New Jersey’s
             5   Welcome Campers               13 June is Outdoors Month             Private Campgrounds
             7   Information Page              25 Hot Dog Time!                           for 54 Years
             8   Campgrounds by Region         36 Campground
             9   Advertiser Directory          Refreshments                            HE NEW JERSEY  Campground
                                                                                       Owners Association (NJCOA) is the
             18 Associate Members              47 Campground Etiquette           T trade association representing the
             40 NJ Campgrounds Map             52 Member Spotlight -             privately owned commercial campgrounds
                                                                                 in the State of New Jersey. It is dedicated
             Regions                           Elizabeth Corson                  to serving the needs of its members and
                                                                                 providing the public with camping & RVing
                                                                                 information throughout the state. NJCOA
             10 Gateway                                                          promotes the recreational camping lifestyle
                                                   Follow us on                  through the distribution of educational and
             14 Skylands                                                         informational publications and brochures.
                                                                                 By coming together as an association, the
             26 Delaware River                                                   members of NJCOA aim to guide the growth
             32 Southern Shore                                                   of the camping industry in New Jersey and
                                                                                 to stimulate the development of excellence in
             56 Greater Atlantic City                                            accommodations  and  outdoor  hospitality  to
                                                                                 our clientele.
             66 Shore
                                                                                           2017 NJCOA Guidebook    3
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