Page 5 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 5
PO Box 808, Marmora, NJ 08223
Request Line: 800-2CAMP-NJ
Business Line: 609-545-0145
Cover photo by Jennifer Freeman. Photos courtesy of
Ocean County Business Development and Tourism, Sussex
County Chamber of Commerce, Atlantic City Alliance,
Meadowlands Regional Chamber, Craig Terry - Cape
May County Tourism, Stefanie Godfrey, Southern Ocean
County Chamber of Commerce, Jennifer Freeman, Kristin
Wildman, and Joann DelVescio. Designed by Gone Native
Communications, Inc., gonena- Printed in the USA by Kenyon Press.
Officers and Trustees
Welcome Campers! Dave Benn, Pomona RV Park & Campground
Karen Kymer, Kymer’s Camping Resort
Anita Pfefferkorn, Indian Rock RV Park
HERE'S just something relaxing about camping with your
friends and family... it's slow down time. Out in the woods, Clayton Taylor, Camp Taylor Campground
Tyou're unplugged from your to do list and tuned into your
adventure time. Instead of recharging your phone, you're recharging Judy LaPorta, Little Oaks Campground
yourself. You're not making calls, you're making s'mores at the camp-
fire. Or perhaps you're just laying in the tent stargazing next to your Justin Crane, Hospitality Creek Campground
best friend. Monica Frazer, Baker’s Acres Campground
In New Jersey, campgrounds are so plentiful - from the mountains Scott Turner, Ocean View Resort Campground
to the ocean to the Pinelands - that you can visit a different camp- Joann Guglielmelli, Tip Tam Camping Resort
ground each vacation and experience new memories. From the fresh Cindy Swenk, Whippoorwill Campground
Carrie Gates, Old Cedar Campground
air to the abundance of greenery and beautiful landscapes, it's all good
old fashioned fun you're about to have. Camping is about creating EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
new memories, traditions, and bonds with your closest crew. Will you Joann DelVescio
roast a hot dog first? Tell ghost stories or reminisce about fun times? ©Copyright 2017. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced
This is your time to unplug from the daily grind and reconnect. either in whole or in part without the written consent of the New Jersey
Campground Owners Association (NJCOA). NJCOA reserves the right
In our 2017 New Jersey Campground Guidebook, you'll find ev- to review or cancel advertising and assumes no liability for damages that
erything you need to plan a spectacular camping vacation whether it may follow as the result of an error in advertising or listings including, but
be a week or a lifetime. Yes, lifetime! Couples are starting to retire in not limited to omissions and errors.
RVs and live their golden years out on the road looking for adventure.
There are six regions in the Garden State and each has a section here Advertise in this book!
in the guide. Every campground is listed along with its amenities and For information on advertising in this an-
contact information. A comprehensive map sits in the center to help nual publication, please contact the NJ-
you navigate the landscape. COA office (see above). The New Jersey
Campground and RV Park Guidebook is
Let the Adventure Begin! published annually by NJCOA. 140,000
copies are printed and distributed in the
Dave Benn- President, NJCOA tri-state area and at travel shows through-
out the USA and Canada.
2017 NJCOA Guidebook 5