Page 14 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 14
New Jersey’s Great Northwest
Skylands Region offers campers just that... a whole
lot of sky! Here in Skylands, you'll not only see bright blue skies on
sunny days, you'll see rolling mountains and grand green pastures. From sun-
flower fields to ski slopes, there is enough natural beauty to keep you smiling
your entire trip. In New Jersey’s Great Northwest there are tons of adventures
waiting for you. Want to be King or Queen of the world? Or at least of New
Jersey? Climb the 1,803 feet to the top of High Point State Park and you'll
be at the highest point in the state. In summer, race down tall water slides
on a day trip to Action Park. Or head deep down on an underground tour
then dig for rock treasures at the Sterling Hill Mining Museum. From hiking
trails to hot air balloon rides, in Skylands Region adventure is never far away.
Sussex County Chamber of Commerce
120 Hampton House Road, Newton, New Jersey 07860
Fishing is a perfect escape
Warren County Tourism
museums, shops, & more things to do
Lakota Wolf Preserve Delaware River Railroad Excursions
See wolves up close. 908-496-9244 • Rail excursions along the Delaware River Ziplining is more fun with a friend
877-SEEWOLF • leaving from Phillipsburg behind a steam loco-
See ad page 24. motive, antique diesels or railcar. May through
October, weekend steam excursions, including
Sussex County Skylands New Jersey’s Great the Winery Tour Train and Mine Train excur-
Northwest sions. 908-454- 4433 •
From ziplining to skydiving, to cruises on
New Jersey’s biggest lake - adventure awaits. Fossil Discovery Center at Sterling Hill See ad page 23. Mining Museum
The Fossil Discovery Center helps young visi-
Branchburg Sports Complex tors learn about fossils by digging for them in
Branchburg Sports Complex is New Jersey's a large sanded area and then taking specimens
premiere sports and family entertainment cen- home. An instructor will be on hand to help
ter. Three indoor turf fields, four batting cages, participants identify their fossils and discuss
arcade with redemption center, and a 9,000 when the organisms lived, how they went about
square foot interactive fantasy-themed laser tag their lives, and what their living environment
arena. 908-2031600 • www.branchburgsports- was like at the time. 973-2097212 • www.
Cooper Gristmill The Funplex
Cooper Gristmill, located on 14 acres, was built The Funplex is an indoor family amusement
in 1826 and is one of the remaining restored center. It is open year round, featuring over
water-powered mills in New Jersey. It is listed 100,000 square feet of fun. Foam frenzy and
on the State and National Registers of His- go-karting, adventure lazer tag, free fall, bumper
toric Places. It is a living example of the state’s cars, 4D theater, skyscraper and a state-of-the-
transition from an agricultural to an industrial art arcade. 973-428-1166 •
economy. 908-879-5463 • N - Within 5 Miles C - Canoes P - Paddle Boats K - Kayaks $ - Fee R - Restrictions W - Wireless