Page 13 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 13
June is National Outdoors Month
It’s time to celebrate being outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Grab your friends
and family and head to your favorite campground near one of these fine events.
T’S JUNE, spring has sprung and
so has the nice weather. It's time to
head out and enjoy the bountiful
nature and outdoor events New
IJersey has to offer. June, perhaps
because the sun stays out the longest in
this month, is National Outdoors Month.
Campers are outdoor people... we hike, we
bike, we even sleep under the stars! Below
are a sampling of the varied and fun events
happening in New Jersey in June. Plan
your next camping trip around one, two,
or three of these great events!
The beauty of New Jersey
June 10-11
The Greenwood Lake Air Show and
WWII Showcase is a two-day event held garb in the Shire of New Jersey. On the ATLANTIC CITY
June 10-11 at the Greenwood Lake Air- beautiful 60 acres of Liberty Lake you WINE HOP TOUR
port in West Milford. For the first time can enjoy eight hours of entertainment Every Monday-Saturday in June
ever, the Greenwood Lake Air Show is on seven stages, including sword fight- Experience the best in New Jersey wines.
host to the Aeroshell Aerobatic Team. The ing, music, circus performers, comedy, Sip and savor the award winning flavors of
Xwings are also making an appearance. fire eating and jousting between actual the area's premier handcrafted fine wines.
126 Airport Road, West Milford, 973- knights. With delicious food, like giant Includes tastings from Balic Winery and To-
728-7721, www.greenwoodlakeairshow. pickles and turkey legs, patrons will have masello Winery, signature wine glasses, stroll
com. a day they will never forget at the NJ Ren through the Historic Towne of Smithville and
Faire! 1195 Florence Columbus Rd, the Village Greene, salt water taffy, area meal
SOLSTICE HIKE Bordentown Township, www.njren- coupons, professional tour host, and round
June 20 trip transportation. Tour Departs from
Take a guided hike with Eric Nelsen in Brighton Park, Atlantic City, NJ, www.At-
the Palisades. Meet 7pm at the Kearney NATIONAL MARBLES
House at Alpine Picnic Area and Boat TOURNAMENT
Basin. The hike is about five miles, two June 18-22 BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL
hours, moderate. Bring a flashlight. Al- The 93rd annual national competition June 14
pine park entrance via Alpine Approach in the sport of marbles for boys and girls 34th Annual Blueberry Festival and Cele-
Road, 201-768-1360 ext. 108. ages 8-14 that have qualified by winning bration of the Centennial of the Blueberry!
local tournaments throughout the U.S. This is a two day event in Historic Whitesbog
NEW JERSEY 8am-1pm daily. FREE to spectators. Village from 11am-4pm. A great old-fash-
RENAISSANCE FAIRE Ringer Stadium Wildwood Avenue & ioned country fair with artists, crafters, music
June 3-4, 10-11 Wildwoods Beach, Wildwood, 304- stage, wagon tours, blueberry picking, kids
The New Jersey Renaissance Faire, now 337-2764, www.nationalmarblestour- crafts, blueberry baked goods, ice cream, food
in its eighth season, is the largest gathering vendors, historic house tours, local communi-
of performers, artists, artisan merchants, ty groups and fun for all. 120 W Whites-
and eccentric patrons in 16th Century bog Rd., Browns Mills, 609-893-4646.
2017 NJCOA Guidebook 13