Page 54 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 54

continued from page 52

      horses. It’s a horse trailer but also
      has living quarters. It’s a people
      camper that can sleep six people,”
      said Liz.
       The trailer also has the space to
      bring all the other stuff they need
      during competitions like saddles
      and other gear. Liz and her crew
      travel to horse shows in Florida,
      North Carolina, South Carolina,
      Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Missis-
      sippi. At the shows, Liz’s horses are
      referred to by their real names, not
      their barn names. George’s name is
      "Thinking Out Loud" and Adele,
      another of Liz’s horses, is named
      “Suddenly Rumor Has It.”
       “When they name horses, they
      like to get the names of the studs in
      there,” Liz explained.
       At each of these horse shows,   L-R: Elizabeth and Curtis Jr first met when she was a camper at his family's campground. They are pictured here with siblings.
      there are several different classes of   Liz with Adele at the World Champion Palomino Show  2016. Below: Liz with her palomino quarter horses.
      competition. George does Hunter
      Under Saddle - a class of hunt seat   placed third.  formance halter, western
      style riding – one of two forms of   She is a western horse  pleasure, and hunter in
      English riding. Hunter Under Sad-  and competes in the west- hand classes, Liz is hoping
      dle is also called “Flat.”  ern pleasure class.   they will soon compete
       “Some people jump. I’m a chick-  “This is where you see  in horsemanship. In this
      en. I do flat work,” said Liz, who is   the  sparkly  outfits,”  said  category, also called equi-
      a world champion in the Hunter in   Liz with a warm, conta- tation, judges are looking
      Hand class.                gious laugh.       at your ability to do a pat-
       Judges are basing their scoring   Each year one of Liz’s  tern and how accurate the
      decisions on how well you ride,   horses usually wins at  pattern is.
      how you look, and how you can   the shows. Sometimes   “Both horses are three
      maneuver the horse.        Liz is riding, and some- years old. Hopefully next
       In 2016’s Palomino  World   times one of her trainers  year I can do it,” she said.
      Championship, George won Re-  rides. Though her horses
      serve  World Champion. Adele   currently compete in per-

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