Page 26 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 26
The Delaware River
New Jersey’s Other Shore
Imagine you're responsible for thousands of men's lives,
it's cold - the brutal Northeast winter had taken hold,
and you're about to attempt a journey across a icy riv-
er. This was the situation in 1776 General George Washington faced as crossed
the Delaware River the morning of December 26 and marched into Trenton. You
can relive this moment in history when you camp in the Delaware River Region
by visiting the exact site of Washington's crossing in Titusville. Once you've had
your fill of history, you can unwind at any of the region's breweries and wineries.
Shopping? Yes please! Charming towns like Princeton or big shopping meccas like
Marlton have shops to please any purchaser. This historic region is bursting with
arts, culture, adventure and more!
Princeton University is the fourth
oldest college in the US Princeton Regional CVB, 609-924-1776
museums, shops, & more things to do
City of Philadelphia Division of Parks & Forestry. This site
The birthplace of the nation is a close by at- is nationally recognized for its historical Relax by Wharton Lake
traction when you camp the Delaware River significance and beauty. The roots of Batsto
Region. See sites like Elfreth's Alley, the Village can be traced back to 1766. Two
oldest street in America, Independence Hall, centuries of American history are available
and the Liberty Bell. to visitors, with the Pinelands environment
as a scenic backdrop. 609-561-0024 • www.
Visit South Jersey
From lush wineries and bustling down-
towns to farms and wide open spaces, Sky Dive Cross Keys
South Jersey has something for every one Experience human flight – the raw adrena-
of its visitors. line of stepping out of an airplane, the thrill
See ad on page 31. of freefall, the freedom of the big sky. 888-
855-JUMP •
Mick's Canoes and Kayak Rentals
Take your entire family for a beautiful and Trenton Thunder Minor Baseball League
fun adventure through the rivers of the The popcorn, the pretzels... the open
Pinelands. Mick's has canoes and kayaks for summer air... this is Minor League Baseball.
rent, plus life jackets, paddles, even cases to Take your family out to see the Trenton
put your glasses in to keep them dry. Mick's Thunder... a Class AA Affiliate of the New
will deliver to the river, so all you have to do York Yankees. Whether you're a resident or
is paddle. 3107 Route 563, Chatsworth, NJ visitor to New Jersey or Eastern Pennsylva-
08019, 609-726-1380. nia, the Thunder are happy to host you and
your family for a special night of baseball
Batsto Village and entertainment along the banks of the
Batsto Village, is a New Jersey historic site Delaware River. 609-304-3300 • trenton-
located in the South Central Pinelands, N - Within 5 Miles C - Canoes P - Paddle Boats K - Kayaks $ - Fee R - Restrictions W - Wireless
which is administered by the New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection's