Page 25 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 25

Get your roasting sticks ready... it's hot dog time!

            There are few more iconic camping rituals than roasting a hot dog over your open

                                    campfire. It's all-American, delicious fun!

                                                             The National Hot Dog Council has declared the
                                                           third Wednesday in July to be Hot Dog Day! As if we
                                                           needed another reason to enjoy this delicious treat.
                                                           Warming a hot dog as you chat with friends about all
                                                           the fun things you did camping that day is about as
                                                           good as it gets. Once it's cooked to your liking (crispy,
                                                           just warm, burnt to a crisp) place it in the hot dog bun
                                                           and you've got yourself a meal! Here are a few ways
                                                           to fancy it up.

            Crescent Dogs by the Fire           Bacon Wrapped Doggies                 Hot Dog Skewers

          Ingredients                         Ingredients                      Ingredients
          Can of Crescent Rolls               Package of Hot Dogs              Hot Dogs
          8 Hot Dogs                          Strips of Bacon                  Vidalia Onions
          Condiments (Ketchup, Salsa, Sriracha, Mustard)  Toothpicks           Pineapple
          Skewers                             Skewers                          Green Peppers
          Instructions                        Instructions
          Unroll the package of crescent rolls on a flat sur-  Wrap a strip of bacon around each hot dog,   Instructions
        face (a plate or tray on the campsite picnic table will   spiraling it so it covers the entire dog. At the top,   Cut all ingredients into bite sized pieces, suitable
        work). Separate the rolls into 8 triangles. Wrap each   place a toothpick through the bacon and dog,   for skewers. Place ingredients on skewers in any
        dog starting with the wide end. Once all the hot   securing it so the bacon doesn't fall off. Do the   order you like. We suggest veggie, hot dog, fruit,
        dogs are wrapped, skewer each carefully. Roast over   same at the bottom. Once all dogs are wrapped,   veggie, and so on.
        the campfire, careful not to burn the dogs.   skewer them and roast until bacon is at desired   Spray or lightly coat with olive oil. Roast until
          Once all the hot dogs are cooked, put on plates   crispiness. Place in a fancy or regular bun (bri-  veggies are cooked through with a  little char.
        and serve with your favorite condiment and side.   oche buns are easy to make and work well) and   Serve with the dipping sauce of your choice. We
          MAKE AHEAD: Wrap all hot dogs at home and   top with your favorite condiment. Though we   suggest a barbecue or sweet and sour sauce.
        place in baggies in cooler or refrigerator until about   suggest putting in on the side, for maximum ba-  MAKE AHEAD: The skewers can be assembled
        ten minutes before roasting.         con enjoyment. Yum!              at home, but don't coat them with oil until right
                                              MAKE AHEAD: The bacon wrapping can   before roasting.
                                             be done at home, for extra convenience. Place
                                             wrapped hotdogs in your cooler or fridge until
                                             right before you roast.

                                                                                          2017 NJCOA Guidebook    25
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