Page 66 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 66

the shore

                        A Shore Thing for Fun All Year Long

                                                             Did you know a grasshopper can jump 20 times the
                                                           length of his own body? This is just one of the amazing facts you
                              Sunsets are magical in the   can learn at Insectropolis, the Bugseum of New Jersey in Toms River. If you
                                  Shore Region             like your creatures a little bigger, take a hike through one of the many nature
                                                           trails (you may spot a fox or a snowy white owl) or head over to Six Flags
                                                           Great Adventure where not only can you see wildlife up close, you can soar
                                                           through the air like you're skydiving on the Dare Devil Dive!

                                                                        FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                            Ocean County Tourism
                                                               101 Hooper Avenue, P.O. Box 2191, Toms River, NJ 08754-2191
                                                                   Monmouth County Public Information & Tourism
                                                                     One East Main Street, Freehold, NJ 07728
                                                               732-431-7310 x 7476, 800-523-2587,
                                                                          Borough of Seaside Heights
                                                                     901 Boulevard, Seaside Heights, NJ 08751

                museums, shops, & more things to do

          Tuckerton Seaport                Allaire State Park
          A working maritime village. Recreated   The park features a visitor center/museum,   Viking Village Fleet
          historic structures, demonstrations,   nature interpretive center, camping, fishing,
          seminars & hands on workshops. 120 W.   limited deer hunting, picnic tables /shelters,
          Main Street, Tuckerton. Open all year.   playground, food concession, canoeing /
          609-296-8868 • www.tuckertonseaport.  kayaking, birding and cross-country skiing.
          org. See ad page 72.             Park trails accommodate hiking, horseback
                                           riding, nature trails, mountain biking and
          Ocean County Tourism             biking. 732-938-2371 • www.njparksand-
          Nature trails, amusement parks, boating,
          fishing, festivals and more. 800-ENJOY33
          • See ad   The Cannibal Queen
          page 81.                         Enjoy scenic open cockpit Biplane Rides
                                           in the famous Cannibal Queen Stearman
          Seaside Heights                  biplane along the New Jersey shore from
          Boardwalk, Casino Pier & Water Park,   Long Branch to Long Beach Island. One
          Fun Town Pier, antique carousel, Coin   or two passenger tours are offered for 30,
          Castle Amusements, and public salt water   60 and 90 minutes.  800-247-2371 • www.
          fishing pier. 800-732-7467. See ad page
                                           Centennial Cottage
          Six Flags Great Adventure        Centennial Cottage serves as the Historical
          Outstanding theme park and safari. Rides   Society of Ocean Grove’s living history
          for all ages including the new Justice   museum. Visitors to the Cottage gain an
          League Battle for Metropolis 4D new in   understanding of life in a 19th Century
          2017.  732-928-1821 •   Camp Meeting and seaside resort communi-
          See ad page 80.                  ty. 732-774-1869 • www.oceangrovehistory.

                                                                                                                                                  N - Within 5 Miles        C - Canoes        P - Paddle Boats        K - Kayaks        $ - Fee        R - Restrictions        W - Wireless
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