Page 34 - 2017 NJ Campground Guidebook
P. 34

Southern Shore Region campgrounds

          1    ACORN CAMPGROUND                                7    CAPE MAY KOA
               419 Route 47,  (PO Box 151) Green Creek 08219 • 609-886-7119
                                                                    669 Route 9, Cape May 08204 • 888-679-1699
         map #  GPS 39°02.952 N    74°54.175 W          See ad page 35  map #  GPS 38°98317 N    74°90297 W          See ad page 60
        DIRECTIONS GSP south exit 4B, to NJ-47 North. Three and a half miles to camp-  DIRECTIONS Located on Rte 9, 1.5 miles from end of GSP. Four miles from Cape
        ground. From Rte 47S: .25 miles after mile marker 7 on right.  May and 6 miles from Wildwood.
        ABOUT FACILITIES Ten minutes to Wildwood’s beach and boardwalk. Pool, game   ABOUT FACILITIES  Just a short drive to historic sites. New renovated pool,
        room, playground, basketball hoop, volleyball, pond fishing. All sites shaded with   beautiful swimming and boating lake. Planned activities, camp store, basketball
        picnic tables and fire rings. WiFi Hot Spot.         and tennis courts. Minutes from ocean beaches and famous boardwalk amuse- •   ment attractions. Reservations advised. Special off-season rates.
                                                             888-679-1699 •
             OPEN       QUIET   SITES       BASE RATE
           Memorial Day -   11pm-8am  330  2 adults & 2 children under 18:   OPEN  QUIET  SITES  BASE RATE
            Labor Day                    $49 (w, e), $55 (w, e, s, c).  April 1- Oct. 31  10pm-8am  719  2 adults & 4 children: $52 (w, e),
                                                                                               $72 (full hookup)
          2       ADVENTURE BOUND CAMPING RESORT               9       DEPOT TRAVEL PARK
                  240 W. Shellbay Avenue, Cape May Court House 08210 •
         map #    609-465-4440     GPS 39°04.323 N    74°50.637 W      800 Broadway, West Cape May 08204 • 609-884-2533
                                                              map #    GPS 38°56.599 N    74°55.765 W   See ad page 49
        DIRECTIONS GSP south to exit 9, one mile west to campground.
        ABOUT FACILITIES  Closest campground to North Wildwood’s free beaches.    DIRECTIONS From Cape May Ferry follow Rte 9 north for 2 miles. Turn right onto
        Only minutes to Stone Harbor, 40 miles to AC casinos. Seasonal sites, large wood-  Seashore Rd (Rte 626). Go 2 miles to entrance on right. GSP south to last exit.
        ed sites, private tent sites, cabin and RV rentals. Reservations and information all   Follow Cape May Ferry signs approx. 2 miles. Turn left at second traffic light onto
        year long. 800-752-4882 • •  Seashore Rd (Rte 626). Go 2 miles to entrance on right.
                                                             ABOUT FACILITIES Ten blocks to Victorian Cape May, boardwalk and beaches.
             OPEN       QUIET   SITES        BASE RATE
           April 6 - Oct. 14  11pm-8am  400  2 adults & 2 children: $38-$62,   Security, ocean fishing, ice, LP gas, playground. Laundry, Free WiFi Hot Spots
                                          off season half price.
                                                                                                 BASE RATE
                                                                  OPEN       QUIET   SITES    2 adults & 2 children:
                                                                May 1 - Oct. 10
          3       AVALON CAMPGROUND                                         11pm-7am  150      $42.50-$54 (w, e, c).
                  1917 Route 9 North, Clermont 08210 • 609-624-0075
         map #    GPS 39°08.807 N    74°45.865 W   See ad page 48  10  DRIFTWOOD RV PARK & CAMPGROUND
        DIRECTIONS GSP exit 17. Left to Rte 9, left on Rte 9 for 2.5 miles to campground   1955 Route 9, Clermont 08210 • 609-624-1899
        on right.                                             map #  GPS 39°08.922 N    74°45.822 W           See ad page 60
        ABOUT FACILITIES Midway between Wildwood and AC, minutes from beaches.
        Air-conditioned on-site trailer and cabin rentals, 2 pools, planned activities, open   DIRECTIONS GSP south: exit 17, left to Rte 9, left on Rte 9, 2 miles to campground.
        pavilion and fire pit. WiFi available throughout park. Ask about our low off-season   GSP north: exit 13, right to Rte 9, right on Rte 9, 2 miles to campground.
        rates and gas saver special.                         ABOUT FACILITIES Complete recreation program, ocean swimming nearby, pools
        800-814-2267 • •  and lake swimming, full line camp store and trailer sales. On-site cabin & trailer rentals.
                                                             888-565-9479 •
             OPEN       QUIET   SITES       BASE RATE
           April 15 - Oct. 16  11pm-8am  350  2 adults & 2 children under 18:   OPEN  QUIET  SITES  BASE RATE
                                             $57 (w, e)        April 15 - Oct. 15  11pm-8am  698  Family of 4: $51 (w, e).
                  462 Seashore Road, Cape May 08204 • 609-886-6035
         map #    GPS 39°00.16 N    74°53.33 W   See ad page 42       1142 Route 83, Clermont, NJ 08210 • 609-624-9015
                                                             map #    GPS 39°08.922 N    74°45.822 W   See ad page 49
        DIRECTIONS GSP exit 4A, turn left at Railroad Ave, less than 1 mile to campground.
        From junction Rte 47 and Rte 9, go 1.5 miles south on Rte 9, turn right at Railroad Ave.  DIRECTIONS GSP south: exit 17, left to Rte 9, left on Rte 9, 2 miles to campground.
        ABOUT FACILITIES Swimming pools, dog parks, planned activities, trailer and  tent   GSP north: exit 13, right to Rte 9, right on Rte 9, 2 miles to campground.
        sites, park model, cabin, tee pee rentals. Spring and fall groups, scouts and specials.   ABOUT FACILITIES Driftwood Too is a luxury camping resort in Cape May County
        WiFi. Sparkling swimming and fishing lakes. Golf cart rentals. Fax: 609-886-0289.   that offers the finest at the Jersey Shore. Wide, paved sites, many pull thru sites are
        Reservations only: 800-233-0150 • •   big rig friendly. Offering both seasonal camping and daily, weekly and monthly camp-                              ing rates, Driftwood Too campground is just minutes from the beaches of Wildwood
             OPEN       QUIET   SITES        BASE RATE       and Avalon. 800-874-7576 •
           April 12 - Oct. 31  11pm-8am  524  2 adults & 2 children under 18:
                                          $70 (w, e, c nightly).  OPEN       QUIET   SITES       BASE RATE
                                                               April 15 - Oct. 15  11pm-8am  197  Family of 4: $51 (w, e).
               116 Swainton Goshen Road (PO Box 366)
                                                                                ABBREVIATION KEY
         map #  Cape May Court House 08210 • 877-463-1610       CMCH - Cape May Court House     w - Water
               GPS 39°12596 N    74°81107 W          See ad page 60  GSP - Garden State Parkway  e - Electric
                                                                    AC - Atlantic City          s - Sewer
        DIRECTIONS GSP exit 13 to Rte 9, south 1 mile, right on Swainton-Goshen Rd (CR   LEH - Little Egg Harbor  c - Cable TV
        646) to entrance. From Rte 47 south: .75 miles past Rte 83, left on CR 657, 3 miles   WiFi - Wireless Internet  ac - Air-conditioning
        to CR 646, left .75 miles to Big Timber Lake.
        ABOUT FACILITIES Write or call for free brochure.
        877-463-1610 • •
             OPEN       QUIET   SITES       BASE RATE
           April 11 - Oct. 31  11pm-8am  528  2 adults & 2 children: $73 (w, e, c), $75
                                      (w, e, s), $80 (pull through/lake area)
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